Thursday, March 08, 2007

How To Prevent Razor Bumps

Razor bumps, also known as PFB (Pseudofolliculitis barbae) refers to a persistent inflammation caused by shaving. Razor bumps are small, irritated bumps on the skin that develop after shaving when strands of hair curl back on themselves and grow into the skin.

Prevention & Treatment:
To reduce your chance of suffering from razor bumps you may want to take a look at the following steps to prevent razor bumps: - Ensure to get your hair very wet before shaving - Really work the shaving cream into your skin or scalp for at least 2 minutes and save areas that tend to develop razor bumps for last, so that the shaving cream has longer to soften the hair.

Shave with the grain, not against it - Replace your blade regularly - Don't stretch out your skin while shaving - Use moisturizer after shaving. More Shaving Techniques.